The Water Clock is Currently OPEN
Quick Facts
Only one-of-its kind in Colorado
Replica of the original Royal Gorge Bridge Waterclock
Water is seasonal
“This was my first visit to Royal Gorge in Colorado. And it fully exceeded my expectations. I was there on a Friday. Easy to access with plenty of parking. I was taken in by the sights even before I entered the park. I was visiting with my Mom and Dad. The visitor center is bright and welcoming. Every there and in the park are ready with a helping hand or information. Passing through the visitor center after you obtain your tickets, you come across one of the coolest clocks I have ever seen. And that’s just the beginning.” – Allen
Drip drop. Tick tock. Take a look at this very rare clock!
Located just behind the Visitor Center, this Water Clock is the only one of its kind in Colorado. This new Water Clock is a replica of the original, which kept time for 30 years before the Royal Gorge Fire. Watch cascading water tumble from bucket to bucket and snap a photo with this extraordinary clock.